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Whitaker Lab Research

The Whitaker lab research is made up of undergraduate, Masters and PhD students at East Tennessee State University. 

Joshua Foley

Masters Student 

Josh has a large variety of interests, including but not limited to: biomimicry, biodegradation, chemical ecology, pretty bugs, and his pet ferrets. Josh is excited to complete his degree and begin a career in biological research. Outside of the lab, he is a jack of all trades. He is particularly fond of jiu jitsu, tai chi, miniature painting,  3D printing, and hiking. The lab especially thanks him for taking care of the roach intrusion. 

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Skylar Mathieson

Masters Student 

​Skylar completed her undergraduate degree at UVA-Wise and is continuing as a master's student at ETSU. Coming from Southwest Virginia, Skylar's roots have influenced her passion in Appalachian ethnobotany, specifically in the realm of medicinal plants. Skylar's interests include plant biology, conservation biology, evolutionary biology, chemical ecology, and plant-insect interactions. Skylar's main research focus here is exploring the complex world of plant-insect interactions, bee behavior, and potential addiction. Skylar hit the ground running with her research and presentation skills. Outside of the lab, Skylar loves to spend time reading, hiking, or with her cats!

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Adrienne Holtsclaw


B.S. Biology Student

Adrienne Holtsclaw is currently in her second semester of a research-oriented course. This course focuses on understanding what makes up a good research project and presentation. She is interested in interactions among flora and fauna, such as predator and prey interactions and chemical defense. She loves the mountains and everything in them. She loves to go kayaking and hammocking. She spends most of her free time trying to learn new things that pique her interest. 


James Moreland

B.S. Biology Student

James Moreland is currently a second-year honors in discipline student who is majoring in biology alongside taking both synthetic biology and brewing and distillation minors. The HID program aims to give undergraduate students experience in a research setting and in running a project. He is interested in the chemical interactions of fungi, plants, and the herbivores that prey upon them. Outside the lab, he is a proud member of the Marching Bucs and most of his hobbies revolve around spending time outside in nature, be that backpacking through Appalachia or collecting samples to build terrariums with.


Elana Gooding


B.S. Biology Student

My name is Elana Gooding! I love nature and always want to be outside immersing myself in it! I love working with bees specifically and observing the plant-pollinator relationships that they have! I have goals to work in conservation in the future as I want to play my role towards helping nature in needed areas!


Sierra Walker

Sierra Walker is a senior at ETSU majoring in biology and chemistry. She hopes to one day work as an environmental chemist to help correct chemical imbalances in various ecosystems caused by human interaction. Sierra takes great interest in the chemical processes that occur in various environments, such as forests, oceans, and space. Outside of schooling and the lab, she spends a majority of her time knitting and crocheting. 
B.S. Biology and Chemistry Student
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